mandag 23. april 2018

RR Trent problemene - ETOPS kan bli redusert til 2:20 for noen motorer - AIN

FAA To Lower ETOPS Limits on Some Rolls-powered 787s
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published an Airworthiness Directive on April 17 calling for a reduction of ETOPS (extended twin engine operations) limits from 330 to 140 minutes for Boeing 787-8s and 787-9s powered by certain Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 turbofans. The order follows reports from Rolls that prolonged operation at high thrust settings might result in an engine failure before completion of a diversion to an alternate airport. The posting, originally appearing on the Federal Register’s public inspection page on April 16, covers Package C engines, which have suffered several failures over the past year due to premature wear in their intermediate-pressure compressor and turbine blades and seals.   Read More

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